I’ve always been that weird kid who was singing all the time

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Civil engineer student at a prestigious university by day. Up and coming singer and songwriter by night. Meyy’s a postmodern superhero. One who floats rather than flies. Her lo-fi mix of r&b, neo-soul and electropop soothe the soul of those heartbreakingly looking back while Meyy’s a self-proclaimed dreamer looking anywhere to find ways to draw people into her atmospheric universe. Her EP titled Spectrum deals with the - oh so recognizable - package deal of passion and pain that comes with young love. The 20-year-old warns us though, her new tracks have a lot more 'bad bitch intimidating the club' vibes. Remember clubs? Now that’s something to dream about.

Why are you studying in Delft. It’s not for the music scene, is it?

No! Delft is really a town for nerds. It’s built around the university, but you won’t find the typical 'student scene' here. I study at the Delft University of Technology, which is a pretty prestigious place. So I’m there for the creds. Seriously though, I love that I can concentrate on science when I’m in Delft and on music when I’m in Brussels, which is where I live. I keep those two sides of me quite separate.

Delft is really a town for nerds

Combining these studies with a starting music career isn’t always easy. I’m grateful that L’étreinte, the producer I’ve worked on most of the songs of my EP with, is always there when things become a bit too much for me. We started this when we were still in high school and we’re still in it together. He deals well when I’m anxious. I often still find myself insecure about my music. When people see me perform or they follow me on Instagram they think I’m super confident, but it’s not true. It’s something I want to work on because that insecurity is taking a lot of my energy I rather put somewhere else.



You’re now 20 and you’re already making a name for yourself. What was your starting point in music?

I’ve always been that weird kid who was singing all the time. In the supermarket, on the street, in a restaurant. Music is not something that suddenly came into my life, it has always been there. When I was 13 I started writing my own songs, just coming up with stuff on the piano and the guitar. Actually, there’s not a big difference in how I wrote songs then and now, I guess the official term for me would be a singer-songwriter.

I guess the official term for me would be a singer-songwriter

The tracks for the EP I made when I was 16 or 17. I love those songs and I stand fully behind them, but there’s a big difference between the music I’m making now and what’s on that record. Which is normal because I’m evolving as a person and so is my story. The tracks on Spectrum are very low-key, really like bedroom pop. Literally, because most of them are made in Lucas’ bedroom, that’s the real name of L’etreinte. The music I’m working on now is more up-tempo with more house or funk influences. There are some trappy songs coming as well, but I’m not allowed to use that word from Lucas. I find it hard to describe my music though, I don’t think I have the right words for it. You just got to listen.


How important do you find the visual aspect of making music?

Very important. It’s also one of the most fun parts of it. I’ve had the honour of working with Stig De Block for the video clip of Angelic Lies, which is the first clip I’ve ever made. It was so cool. That’s when I realised how important visuals and aesthetics are to tell a complete story. Social media is an important tool too because it allows you to profile yourself as an artist. Although there are lots of downsides to it as well, I would probably not have an Instagram if I wasn’t an artist. 



Your EP was released in January on Sanseveria. How was it to have your debut cut short by the lockdown?

I had some really exciting shows planned, like opening for Zwangere Guy and playing at Dour. That’s sad, but I try not to see it like that. If it’s meant for me to have a career in music, which I hope it is, then I’m sure it will happen. It might not even be bad that I have some extra time now to grow. If I got to play Dour this Summer and it would have gone bad, I don’t know if I would have gotten over that. 

My life was extremely busy after the release and all of a sudden everything was still. I found myself sitting on my terrace at home reading books and playing the guitar. I remember telling my mom that I felt so weird. She told me: 'it’s because you’re relaxed.' I’ve had the privilege of being able to spend the lockdown with my family so the experience for me was actually quite wholesome. I try to look at the whole thing as an unasked for but positive break. Now I’m really excited to work on the new tracks, release them and see what people think of it. Which should happen soon!

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