Looking for interns

We like a fresh breeze in the office! We are always looking for people willing to learn and experiment. Our team has always been a mix of creative contributors, freelancers, steady team members and interns.

We check all applications, but select and invite only a few people. 
Be sure to present yourself the best you can.

Profiles & availability

We expect interns to stay on board for at least 2 full months and be present at the office in Ghent at least 2 days a week. Internships as part of an education are not paid. You should be insured by your school.

We accept:

- marketing interns: you will help out with campaigns, produce social content, setup newsletters, ... important: you should have basic knowledge of graphic design

- editorial interns: you will be writing articles, interview artists, assisting our content editor,...

- video and/or photography interns: you will be sent out to attend a lot of our events and capture the audience and artists, you will take photos of artists for interviews or film and edit our online videos

- curatorial interns: you will assist in selecting artists for interviews and videos, you will scout interesting events to add to the agenda

We are looking for:

- a marketing intern starting from Sept 2024
- an editorial intern starting from Sept 2024
- a video and/or photography intern starting from Sept 2024
- a curatorial intern starting from Sept 2024

Get to know our community

Read our interns' experiences

I witnessed firsthand DC's dedication to their community and the Belgian art scene. I learned so much from both the team and everyone I had the opportunity to interview.

Jesse Brazle

I gained more confidence as a designer, I experienced a lot of appreciation for my work, and I felt like a real part of the team, not 'just' an intern, for which I am grateful. I l❤️ve DC!

Emma Caers

During my internship, I got the freedom to experiment and grow as a graphic designer. I learned about the cultural landscape and had a lovely experience with the team!

Kobe Meeussen

I am grateful to have worked so closely with Different Class. The team is truly inspiring & made me feel seen and heard as an intern. The truest example of a community.

Britt Claes

It’s even more than the (awesome) magazine and (vital) event agenda. different class is a community - a family (with great taste)

Dlisah Lapidus

During my internship, I witnessed how much effort they put into connecting people who genuinely love arts and music.

Somto Offor