Handout Writers

Original copy is one of the major pillars of subba. It creates the strong foundation and distinct feel that we strive for throughout the magazine, the website and all our social channels.

We put a lot of value in the quality and originality of the texts and, by means of a more autonomous approach, aim to tell a good story in every article.

Below you can find an overview of all upcoming articles, videos and shoots for Different Class. Do you see an assignment you like? Please check the due date (= deadline) before you contact Astrid! Does it fit in your schedule? Great, you can reach her at astrid@differentclass.be! We like to work ahead so don't wait too long before deciding ;-) <3

a good story

Your article should be a conversation, rather than sticking to the questions you’ve prepared. Telling a story is important, but interaction is as well.

The questions shouldn’t be that long. It's better to ask 1 question at a time and not to include more in 1 sentence. Your subject will be more focused on answering them. Depending on the conversation and topic, a variety of 8 questions are okay.

In the case of a New Master article, we expect at least 3 to 4 questions related to the exhibition!

ALWAYS ask where the interviewed person has studied (only for our records).

  1. title
  2. snippet (appears on the front page and refers to the subject, place and content)
  3. introduction of the article (what event is the article linked to? what kind of music, who are the musicians,...)
  4. body interview
  5. 3 quotes 
basic rules
  • questions DC in bold
  • album, book, film, exhibition titles in italics
  • song titles in 'single quotes'
  • laughter should all be like [laughs]
  • 'single-quote marks ("doubles inside single ones")'
  • UK/international English conventions: honour, not honor; organise, not organize etc.
  • single spaces throughout
  • no capital after a colon
  • no serial/Oxford commas: so, no comma before ‘and’ or ‘or’ in lists except where absolutely necessary for sense date/Month: for ex. 01.06.202
  • full stops in times (not colons); always 4 figures: 19.00
  • no space after euro sign; prices take a full stop: €14.50
  • no capitals needed for musical genres
  • numbers: write out one to ten; figures for 11 and up (exceptions: when starting a sentence always write out; use figures for units of measurement)
  • no full stops after intros or streamers/quotes





Length : intro 60 words + body 750 words (both online as in the magazine)

  • 5 short, unedited (iPhone) videos while the interview happens or scenes apart from the shoot. This can be anything and doesn't need much of preparation or editing!
  • 1 'station call' for Different Class with the subject saying: 'Hi, I'm ...(name) I'm playing a show/I have an exhibition on ... (date) at ...(place) and it's free for Different Class members! Come join us! 
  • In case of a new master interview/shoot 1 'station call' for Different Class with the subject saying: 'Hi, I'm ...(name) and I just walked through ... (name exhibition). Go discover it yourself from ... (date) at ...(place) because it's free for Different Class members!

Our online team can use them to make the feature more interesting and alive on social media.


By sending your files and accepting our payments you grant us permission to use your t on all channels; magazines, socials, website, ... + on your own channels ONLY.

If the partner wishes to publish your text on their channels, we negotiate with them and you'll get an additional fee. If the subjects wants to use the text you are free to make an additional deal.


We would appreciate it if the publication on your own channels

happens after we have published them on the website and our socials. :-)

Payment details

We only work with student contracts (through Projectpro Services) or invoices from 01.07.2024 onwards.


€ 100 per shoot for students

€ 125 per shoot for freelancers (excl. VAT)

shorter overview articles

€ 50 per shoot for students

€ 75 per shoot for freelancers (excl. VAT)

all prizes are VAT exclusive

invoice details

Different Class BV

Dendermondsesteenweg 80A

9000 Gent


VAT: BE 1010.981.213

For questions, you can contact Sander at invoices@differentclass.be

When working with a student contract we need ALL of these from you:

  • a recent attestation from Student at Work noting that you can work as a student
  • details: full name, email address, postal address, phone nr, nationality, ID nr (rijksregister nr), date of birth, place of birth, marital status, IBAN nr.
  • payments happen once per month and only after signing your contract. Make sure you don't forget that!

We don’t cover travel expenses.

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