You can call me the mom of Burenhinder

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The May/June issue gives way to a new 20-something list, featuring visual artists, photographers, art collectives, dancers, musicians and much more. Twenty people who are a representation of young society in Belgium, a generation ready to rule our world. Let us introduce you to the faces you didn’t realise you wanted to meet!

Ariana Van Tongerloo  

founder of female rave collective, DJ, Antwerp, 21

How would you describe what you do?

I’m a hardcore DJ who just started my own female rave collective along with some girlfriends. I manage the collective and am in charge of communication. You can call me the mom of Burenhinder. 


What are you currently busy with?

Currently, we’re temporarily trying to shape our collective in such a way that we stay relevant and up-to-date, despite the pandemic. We’re planning some Corona-proof online events and creating an audience. We’re also still looking for female talent that we can offer a platform. As WLTR, I am now busy providing mixes for upcoming Burenhinder gigs and giving my music library a thorough cleaning.

Anything planned for the future?

We have a monthly takeover running at We Are Various, the second-to-last Friday of the month from nine to eleven. We’re planning some collaborations with other collectives in the future, radio shows or live stream form. I can’t say much about this yet, but definitely keep an eye on our Instagram.

Nickname(s) people have given you?

Rin, Jaantje and Arianski. I also like it when people address me as Walter.

Latest déjà vu?

My boyfriend told me a story and it seemed like he had already told it to me once. I was confused then and had to pretend to be surprised.

Any new habits?

I used to sort my music in a very chaotic way. After a year and a half of dabbling, I finally found my way to go. So now I sort my music immediately after downloading it. I also make backups often since six months ago I lost my previous laptop and my music to a cup of tea that caused a short circuit.


What’s your daily routine like?

My daily routine really depends on what’s planned that day. I try to be busy with music and my house bunnies as much as possible when I have a normal day at home. Now with Corona, the days are often very empty and repetitive, but I try to counteract this by filling them with something different each time.

Weirdest dream you’ve had?

Recently I dreamed that I gave birth to my own cat.

What artists are you listening to?

Artists like Oklou or Eartheater are definitely on repeat daily. I’ve also been enjoying bod [包家巷], organ tapes, aamourocean, knechtjong, Laura Y, Sky H1 and 7038634357 a lot lately.

Favourite memory?

Second-to-last Dour show by Casual Gabberz. We had lost all our friends a bit throughout the day, but we knew we were all going there. On the dance floor, one by one, I saw all the people I knew again. I feel a tremendous amount of nostalgia for that time.


What advice would you give your younger/older self?

To both: just enjoy every moment.

Favourite emoji?


Cutest desire you have?

World peace.

Love of your life?

My best friends, they are my bright spot in this crisis and without them, I could not have founded Burenhinder either.

Biggest personal change since last year?

I have begun to take myself and my dreams more seriously. Early January, I began to give Burenhinder a specific form, namely an introductory live stream. Before that, I called myself a baby DJ or a DJ joke, but then a friend made me realise that if I didn’t start taking myself seriously, no one probably would.


How did last year change your perspective?

It took me out of living in a daze. I used to live from party to party and in between, I no longer enjoyed the little things. Now I’m obliged to enjoy the smallest things, even if it’s an evening not just eating alone.

Are you a nostalgic person?  

Corona has definitely made me more of a nostalgic person, but I try not to dwell too much on the past.

@walt.ur @burenhinder  

Photos shot by @samwartwork

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