When I grew up, the crying made way for loud laughing

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What do you see when you envision the future of the Belgian creative scene? For us, we see diverse, unique perspectives, representative of the world around us. That is exactly why we have been working on our 20-something issues since 2014. These editions feature 20 people in their (pre-)twenties who are a guide, an inspiration or an Earlybird for the young generation of today in Belgium. It is the greatest honour to step into the minds of some of the most innovative young people in Belgium; and learn about their dreams, fears, inspirations and even their celebrity crushes. This year’s list was co-curated with Kevin Kotahunyi, founder of Please Add Color.

Amber Dewaele   

she/her, 24, furniture designer, Antwerp

What do we & our readers need to remember about you? 

My work ;) 

What narrative do you follow when designing? 

I am seen as someone who seeks simplicity in complexity, both in form and function. The first idea often germinates from a certain material or production process. From the rough idea to the implementation, functionality is the common thread throughout the process. This common thread defines the artistic approach to a functional yet poetic end product. While designing I always try to listen to my inner child. It provides me with a rich source of inspiration. ‘Playfulness’ is therefore often reflected in my designs. 

I am seen as someone who seeks simplicity in complexity, both in form and function



Your designs are somehow both playful and simplistic, is finding a balance between these two aesthetics important to you? 


What was it like to exhibit at The Constant Now? 

I think Magali and Kevin did a really good job in curating The kids are alright pt II. All the artists had completely different styles but the works complimented each other through the use of colours. It was a successful exhibition and it made me hungry for more.

What artists are you listening to? 

At the moment I made a habit of listening to the Spotify lists of my friends. They all have different tastes in music so I always get surprised by new songs and artists. 

What book are you currently reading?/Which film have you enjoyed lately? 

I always end up buying a lot of books but it takes forever to read them. This is something I need to work on. The latest book I purchased is called Get your shit together by Sarah Knight but I still need to begin reading it. As for movies, I recently watched Green Book again and it’s still one of my favourites. 

I always end up buying a lot of books but it takes forever to read them

What makes your heart go faster these days? 

My physiotherapist! I broke my elbow 5 months ago and he sure knows how to make my heart go faster during my rehabilitation. A more romantic answer would be the first sunshine after a dark and cold winter period. 


What are you doing daily at 9 pm/9 am? 

Even though I am currently working from home I try to keep the ‘old school’ 9-5 work schedule. I go to bed every night at 10 pm so usually, I am doing something useless at 9 pm. 

What’s your personal utopia?

That we all are born with an amazing set of communication skills so everybody would be able to listen to each other and have constructive discussions. 

What brings you satisfaction? 

The things I don't like doing end up being the things that give me the biggest satisfaction. Things like waking up early, working out, making the bed etc.

How do you relax? 

Swimming! For me, there is no better way to relax than swimming or just being in the water. 

What’s one of your sources of inspiration that may surprise people? 

I think the sources of inspiration that would surprise people are the ones that surprise me. My creativity kind of has a life on its own that can only be nudged. The nudging part can come from looking at a roadblock up to staring into the sky. It sounds like a stereotype but literally, everything is a source of inspiration to me.

It sounds like a stereotype but literally, everything is a source of inspiration to me

What would you like to be doing in 10 years’ time? 

What I am doing now but on steroids or in other words a fully functioning design studio. 

What is the latest/future project you are working on? 

Currently, I am working on an armchair that will be exposed during Milan Design week in June. 

What will the second part of 2022 bring you? 

Bigger dreams, more realisations and a lot of new memories. 

Who is the person that most influenced you throughout your development in life? 

My parents managed to raise me free of guilt, shame and just being ok with who I am. They always encourage me to do whatever I want and that nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it and work hard for it. They gave me a mindset that I am proud of. 



What is the most important thing you’ve learned lately? 

Having a morning routine makes me happy and gives me a fresh mind. 

Is there anyone in your scene who needs more attention? 

My brother's boyfriend and my good friend Marie Vandewiel who is an epic jewellery designer. 

Comfort food/speciality dish? 

Everything oven.

Celebrity crush? 

Jake Gyllenhaal 

Most irrational fear?/Most rational fear? 

My biggest fear since I was a little girl is ending up doing a job for the rest of my life that I don't like. 

If you were a cartoon character in a show, what would be your uniform?

Baggy jeans a black T-shirt and sneakers. Just simple and comfortable. 


What were you like as a child? 

I have always been out there as a kid. When I was really little I wouldn’t stop crying and was a real pain in the ass for my parents. When I grew up, the crying made way for loud laughing, a lot of talking and a lot of energy. 

If you could have any superpower, what would it be? 


What’s the one thing you can’t live without? 

Sparkling water 

If there was a book about your life, what would the title be? 

The bittersweet life

Biggest red flag? 

Ugly shoes 

Biggest dream? 

To have a fully functioning design studio and be able to work 6 months from the studio in Antwerp and 6 months from abroad. 

Favourite quote from a book/movie/show/song 

‘Doing nothing often leads to the very best of something!’ - Winnie The Pooh


 Photos shot by @orianeverstraeten\_  


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