We are two sisters who share an artistic vision and love to create

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What do you see when you envision the future of the Belgian creative scene? For us, we see diverse, unique perspectives, representative of the world around us. That is exactly why we have been working on our 20-something issues since 2014. These editions feature 20 people in their (pre-)twenties who are a guide, an inspiration or an Earlybird for the young generation of today in Belgium. It is the greatest honour to step into the minds of some of the most innovative young people in Belgium; and learn about their dreams, fears, inspirations and even their celebrity crushes. This year’s list was co-curated with Kevin Kotahunyi, founder of Please Add Color.

Lauren Liz Chanelle & Jennifer Lys Karell Izere  

both she/her, 21/24, artist/media art student, Brussels

What do we & our readers need to remember about you?

Together: We are two sisters who share an artistic vision. Who work together and love to create. 

What artists are you listening to?/Which records are you playing most right now?/What book are you currently reading?/Which film have you enjoyed lately?

L: Lately, I have been listening to Big Star. Also, I rediscovered Jali’s first album Des Jours Et Des Lunes which I used to listen to a lot when I was younger.


J: Parce qu’on vient de loin by Corneille and Nge by Oliver N’Goma. 

What makes your heart go faster these days?

L: We are now entering my favourite season of the year! To wake up in the morning with the sun shining through my window makes my day. 


What are you doing daily at 9 pm/9 am?

L: 9 am I’m usually slowly waking up, scrolling on Instagram and on the weekend there is a chance I’m getting out of a club looking for an after-party.


J: At 9 pm I’m probably in my head deciding if I’m going to make dinner or order food. 

What’s your personal utopia?

Together: To live in a world where we all get the same chances in life.


What brings you satisfaction?

L: Simple things: waking up early, eating healthy and getting my shit together.


J: Reading my emails when I wake up. 

How do you relax?

L: When I want to relax I like to go to my mom’s place which is outside of Brussels. I watch tv, talk with my mom and eat a lot.


What’s one of your sources of inspiration that may surprise people?

Together: YouTube! We started watching youtube about 10 years ago. By following and watching many different creative personalities. In a weird way, it has inspired us to think bigger and try new things.

YoutTube has inspired us to think bigger and try new things

What would you like to be doing in 10 years’ time?

L: Hopefully in 10 years I will have more experience with making music and being able to share it with more people.


J: In 10 years I can see myself having lived/worked in different places, continuing to make art.


What is the latest/future project you are working on?


Together: For our collaborative project (@ngenda\_\_) we want to bring more video content and visual work. But let’s not give away too much and keep it a secret ;-) 

What will the second part of 2022 bring you?

Together: I guess we don't know what life has in store for us, but we will continue establishing our platform and digital content.




Who is the person that most influenced you throughout your development in life?

J: Our Mom in everything! But also by my inspiring friends who surround me, who feed my curiosity and with whom I can reflect on different subjects. 

What is the most important thing you’ve learned lately?

L: You don’t need to be blackout drunk to have fun.


J: Don’t keep people close to you out of fear of disappointment. 

Is there anyone in your scene who needs more attention?

Together: @\_gla10@borisdeben and @saturnuah 

Comfort food/speciality dish?

L: PASTA !!!!!


J: Burgers with sweet potatoes on the side have my heart. 

What were you like as a child?

Together: Despite our age difference we’ve always been doing everything together. This is why today we are so close and can support each other to even work together. 

Despite our age difference we’ve always been doing everything together


What’s the one thing you can’t live without?

L: My blue mascara.

J: Sparkling water! 

Biggest dream?

J: That my grandmother will have the chance to see my work exhibited in an art gallery!

Favourite quote from a book/movie/show/song?

L: 'I love Ngenda'

J: Jenny: 'Run, Forrest, run!'

What projects are you currently working on?

Together: We are currently working on new projects on our platform NGENDA that we started a year ago during the lockdown. It’s a way to keep us busy creatively and have the freedom to experiment together, connect with others and share at the same time.




Photos shot by @znnnidar  


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