It is really good to let yourself be ugly and real

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**Name: Celina Vleugels  

Pronouns: she/her  

Age: 25  

Zodiac sign: Gemini  

Subbacultcha member since: last year**


Tell us, what do you do in life? 

I graduated in September with a Masters in Textile Design (after a Masters in Painting), and now I’m making felt paintings. These are patchwork combining many different fabrics combined with embroidery, wool and dry felt. Besides my art practice, I work part-time in Copyright Ghent! I love to get daily inspiration from new books and artists!  


What do you like best about your place? 

The no-nonsense attitude of the people who live here always keeps me grounded in what I do. And also the cosy city centre makes me feel very secure!



What kind of music are you listening to at the moment?

I make a playlist every month, where all kinds of findings come together. Every day I’m in a different mood so it’s a mix and match from all kinds of genres: At the moment I’m listening to the old albums of Radiohead, the new album of Ross From Friends and a lot of Eefje de Visser!  


What’s the first record you bought?

The first record I bought was Elephunk From the Black Eyed Peas.  


What’s your favourite pastime? 

My favourite pastime is days when I can go for long walks or just scroll through Pinterest on my laptop (which is also a guilty pleasure haha).  


Any guilty pleasures? 

Yeah, I’ve got lots of guilty pleasures! What I usually do daily is to dance and sing very loudly to very bad pop songs with no shame! It is really good to let yourself be ugly and real haha.



If you could be famous, what kind of celebrity would you be?

 If I could I would be famous, I would love to be a known textile artist, or being a DJ would also be cool!  


Have you experienced any regrets recently? 

Maybe some great connections with people that are faded… but nothing specific at the moment.  


Which future Subbacultcha event are you looking forward to? 

Looking forward to the Meetsystem concert on 28/01!! And also the exhibition of Alexis Gautier, which is still going on till march! 



Who do you wanna give credit to? 

I want to give credit to my best friend Charlotte Verbiest!! She is always there for me, and is also a talented photographer! You should check out her work too!

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