I'm a huge self-analytical person and I think a lot
The June issue usually gives way to a new 20-something list, featuring models, musicians, actors, illustrators, fashion designers, photographers, artists, architects,... and so much more. The people who are a representation of young society in Belgium, a generation ready to rule our world. In 2020, hence the double number, we’re serving you, hungry hearts, 2 editions of our acclaimed list. That’s right, we’re doubling the number of features, starting a bit earlier. Let us introduce you to the faces you didn't realise you wanted to meet!
Mirthe Tibos
Visual artist, Hasselt
What do we & our readers need to remember about you?
Whatever you’d like. I don’t like to impose things on people about who I am or what I do. Everyone’s impression is different.
What is the (near) future bringing you?
Little fun projects! Making customised tables and bags, redecorating my atelier/living space, a lot of sewing for new artworks probably.
What artists are you listening to?
Bambounou, DjRUM, Oli XL, L U C Y and Four Tet.
Giving yourself space and time is very important. Take time to think about what you want to do and what makes you happy that day or at that moment
How do you bring some routine into your days?
I try to wake up early, with the emphasis on the attempt. But like I said earlier, I don’t like to plan things in advance. In my opinion, giving yourself space and time is very important. Take time to think about what you want to do and what makes you happy that day or at that moment.
What’s your utopia?
This is a difficult question. Because I don’t think about this very often. I usually try to make the best of every situation and eliminate negativity from my life. Of course, you can’t have ups without downs. But a world where people support each other instead of rivalry would be pleasant. Being able to accept each other for who we are and what we like to do instead of imposing mandatory standards in every area.
What satisfies you?
Seeing the result of weeks’ worth of research about how I can make an art piece come to its own with a space or in dialogue with other pieces. Talking on for hours about fellow artists’ work and their interests. Also things like dancing through the night with my friends, that’s one hell of a stress reliever. Being surrounded by people I love and feel safe with and just lose myself in music.
What’s one of your sources of inspiration that may surprise people?
Everyday life. I often get little ‘eureka’ moments. When I’m walking through the city by myself, driving my car, being in a conversation or during class. Those are moments where I’m lost in my own thoughts and those often bring the best ideas, solutions or art pieces.
What would you like to be doing in 10 years?
Something that makes me happy. Probably a combination between something in the cultural sector, such as curating or setting up events, and being an artist. It’s especially important to me that I get satisfaction out of it.
What is the latest/future project you are working on?
I just finished this project called Bewogen weerklinkende vormen (moved resounding objects) where the main theme is the conversation between colours and shapes, space and the viewer. The next challenge is to find out how those change under each other’s influence.
Did you have an exhibition/concert/show on your agenda these days? Which one?
I was going to be part of a performance by Noé Soulier in Z33, but because of COVID-19, it got cancelled.
I like to learn from myself, to know how I think and why I think a certain way
Who is the person that most influenced you throughout your development in life?
In a not self-centred way, especially myself. I’m a huge self-analytical person and I think a lot. I like to learn from myself, to know how I think and why I think a certain way.
What is the most important thing you’ve learned lately?
To put things into perspective, let them be what they are. And that’s okay
Lockdown hobby?
Sewing, sewing and oh yeah, sewing.
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