I’d love to be Gandhi one day

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Name: Lisa Gautama 

Age: 21 

Zodiac sign: Pisces 


Location: Ghent 

Subbacultcha member since this year

Tell us, what do you do in life? 

I’m starting my Master’s in photography at KASK & Conservatorium Ghent. In the meantime, I have ongoing projects in BROEI. I’m writing, making books, photographing, drawing incessantly in my notebooks as if documenting time – then proudly showing all of these to my friends. 

I’m drawing incessantly in my notebooks, then proudly showing all of these to my friends


What do you like best about your place? 

When I’m working on my books, I have the space to lay all my images, drawings, and words around, to carefully puzzle, then puzzle again, bookbinding neatly, and gathering paper until it fits. I love the friendly, soft light that strolls into my room on sunny mornings as if nodding ‘Good morning’ to me, and the street lights smiling to me a ‘Good night.’ 


Any guilty pleasures?

I love to look at how people talk without noticing the words, I love to read poems aloud for the ones I love. I love the ones I love and seem to love them more and more. I love trying to disappear under a grey blanket on a grey couch and I succeed surprisingly often. I love to feel invincible, then pleasantly unimportant right after. I love to dance in my mind, dance in my room, and dance in my words. I love to smile in empty streets and crowded squares. I love to trace the fences of my fears carefully, then suddenly jump over and cut my hair insanely short. 


If you could be famous, what kind of celebrity would you be? 

I’d love to be Gandhi one day. Being wise, warm, and inevitably old, while enabling change. 


Who do you wanna give credit here? 

I’d give credit to my aunt, who’s not here to read this but who’s in every word I write and every book I make and everything I do. When I was a small and silent kid, she gave me time and care, noticing my little drawings, and encouraging me to go on. She was one of the funniest, most loving, and most inspiring people I’ve known – fragilely unbeatable, carrying a beautiful mind. She would have been thrilled to read this, ecstatically calling everyone she knew.

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