I want an insanely beautiful love story

What do you see when you envision the future of the Belgian creative scene? For us, we see diverse, unique perspectives, representative of the world around us. That is exactly why we have been working on our 20-something issues since 2014. These editions feature 20 people in their (pre-)twenties who are a guide, an inspiration or an Earlybird for the young generation of today in Belgium. It is the greatest honour to step into the minds of some of the most innovative young people in Belgium; and learn about their dreams, fears, inspirations and even their celebrity crushes. This year’s list was co-curated with Kevin Kotahunyi, founder of Please Add Color.
Maliqa Vera Donna Fye
she/her, 22, Artist/model, Ghent
What do we & our readers need to remember about you?
I’ve got the best booty in town!
What artists are you listening to?/Which records are you playing most right now?/What book are you currently reading?/Which film have you enjoyed lately?
I’m in love with Rosalia’s new album, Motomami. This one song, 'Hentaï' is just out of this world. I’m also really into Omar Apollo, FKA Twigs and Dominic Fike at the moment!
What makes your heart go faster these days?
Boys! I don’t know if it’s hormones or the spring sunshine, but I’m feeling butterflies in my stomach and vagina.

What are you doing daily at 9 pm/9 am?
9 pm, definitely sleeping or wishing I was! And 9 am, hopefully dancing or doing something artsy.
What’s your personal utopia?
A world where I’m the hottest person alive. So hot it’s unbearable. Coming soon!
What brings you satisfaction?
I love writing, drawing, performing and all the artsy stuff! Even typography gets me going crazy.
How do you relax?
I’m always up for a good audiobook! Currently reading We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson!
What’s one of your sources of inspiration that may surprise people?
Cartoons for kids! They’re so colourful, cute and funny! I loved The amazing world of Gumball, Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, …
What would you like to be doing in 10 years’ time?
I would love to be working as a theatre maker making both theatres for kids and some more autobiographical work! Maybe write a book? Being treated like a princess by a handsome guy? Being a mom?
I would love to be working as a theatre maker making theatres for kids and some more autobiographical work
What is the latest/future project you are working on?
A future work I’m really excited about is my Master's graduation performance at Kask. It will be a theatrical self-portrait! It’ll be about my experience as a black trans woman in a heteronormative society, but also about love, and what makes life beautiful! It’s due in 2 years so I’ve got some time to make it gorgeous!
What will the second part of 2022 bring you?
I would love some more rest and relaxation, sunshine, new love and time with my friends and loved ones and I want to make a bunch of art!
Who is the person that most influenced you throughout your development in life?
Big question! Probably my dad. I look up to him and love him very much. He’s been my example from when I was still a little boy to now, an independent grown woman that I know he is proud of!
I look up to my dad and love him very much
What is the most important thing you’ve learned lately?
That happiness is real and so is love and so is passion and magic and all the good things!
Is there anyone in your scene who needs more attention?
Musia Mwankumi (@musia.m)! She’s amazing in so many ways! Also, my friends are the most talented people in the world, so go to my Instagram and find gems in my following list!!! Look out for @holysaintbavoofghent, @joshuasmits, @renee\_leerman, @arendpeeters, @trance.artscollective, and so many more!
Comfort food/speciality dish?
My favourite food in the universe is the Benachin my dad makes!
Celebrity crush?
Dominic Fike gets me all giggly and blushing!
Most irrational fear?/Most rational fear?
My most irrational fear is probably losing my friends, it’s very irrational because they can’t live without me ;). Most rational fear, getting attacked or hate crime because of my identity.
If you were a cartoon character in a show, what would be your uniform?
Big hoop earrings, tiny pink shirt, tiny pink skirt and a lot of glitters!
What were you like as a child?
I was the cutest baby I have seen to this day! Looked like an angel, was very sensitive and kind but could definitely behave like the antichrist at times.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
Extreme luck in everything I do!
What’s the one thing you can’t live without?
My friends! They supported me in becoming who I am; they always make me smile, call me out for my bullshit and make me a better person!
If there was a book about your life, what would the title be?
‘The grandiose misfortunes of the luckiest lady alive’

Biggest red flag?
Of other people? Not wanting to date me…
Biggest dream?
I want an insanely beautiful love story, now or in 50 years, just an overwhelming, wild, passionate, tear-jerking, heartfelt, kinda cringy but also a perfect love story!
Favourite quote from a book/movie/show/song
‘Trans women are juvenile elephants. We are much stronger and more powerful than we understand. We are fifteen thousand pounds of muscle and bone forged from rage and trauma, armed with ivory spears and faces unique in nature, living in grasslands where any of the ubiquitous humans may or may not be a poacher. With our strength, we can destroy each other with ease. But we are a lost generation. We have no elders, no stable groups, no one to teach us to countenance pain. No matriarchs to tell the young girls to knock it off or show off their own long lives lived happily and well’ ― Torrey Peters, Detransition, Baby
Photo's shot for @trance.artscollective by @h\_brugge and @grldstvns
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