I question the notions of territory and land appropriation
**Name: Lucie Jacquet
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 22
Zodiac sign: Aries
Location: Brussels and a little village (Le Roux)
Different Class member since January 2021**
Tell us, what do you do in life?
I am an artist who questions the notions of territory and land appropriation. Tensions between industrial and natural areas are recurring themes in my work which I translate through various mediums such as photography, painting and sculpture.
There are neighbourhood quarrels about dog mess, the number plate of a ‘dodgy car’ that had the misfortune to turn around 6 times in the village square or a post about a dangerous ram on the loose.
What do you like best about your place?
I come from a small village in the Walloon countryside where all information is relayed by a Facebook group of 600 users for a perimeter of 5.89 km2. This hyperactive platform is full of nuggets and improbable posts. There are neighbourhood quarrels about dog mess, the number plate of a ‘dodgy car’ that had the misfortune to turn around 6 times in the village square or a post about a dangerous ram on the loose. Under each of them, there are lively debates in the comments. I appreciate this kind of newspaper.
What kind of music are you listening to at the moment?
I got a record player recently, so I listen to albums I found second hand. Jean Michel Jarre with Rendez-vous, Midnight Star and Don't rock the boat, The Shadows, Adamo or Yvette Horner.
What’s the first record you bought?
I grew up in a house where there was always music in the background. Once a fortnight the media library bus would come to the village square and we could rent CDs. I don't remember my first CD, but one of my first approaches was to classical music through the accordion and trumpet I played as a child.
What’s your favourite pastime?
Walking with my dog, which is also his favourite pastime.
Any guilty pleasures?
Listening to conversations in public spaces and from time to time trying to take part in them.
Different Class works with the interest of their community at heart.
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