I hope there will be some open airs so I can let people dance again

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The June issue usually gives way to a new 20-something list, featuring models, musicians, actors, illustrators, fashion designers, photographers, artists, architects,... and so much more. The people who are a representation of young society in Belgium, a generation ready to rule our world. In 2020, hence the double number, we’re serving you, hungry hearts, 2 editions of our acclaimed list. That’s right, we’re doubling the number of features, starting a bit earlier. Let us introduce you to the faces you didn't realise you wanted to meet!

Lola Haro  

DJ, Antwerp

What do we & our readers need to remember about you?

I’m living for the music.

What is the (near) future bringing you?

I hope there will be some open airs soon so I can let people dance again :).

What are you up to these days?

I’m discovering a lot of new music and playing vinyl.

I’m listening to a lot of hip hop these days. Electronic music makes me too nostalgic for times

What artists are you listening to?

Derek Carr is my lockdown discovery.

Which records are you playing most right now?

I’m listening to a lot of hip hop these days. Electronic music makes me too nostalgic for times when we could still play for a crowd every weekend.

What makes your heart go faster these days?

Thinking about the first club gig after all this madness.

What are you doing daily at 9 pm/9 am?

9 am: mostly still in bed, I’m not a morning person.  

9 pm: chilling with my boyfriend, mixing or walking out the dog.

How do you bring some routine into your days?

Having a dog is bringing me routine.

What’s your utopia?

A more honest and positive world.

What satisfies you?

Finding an unknown banger.

What’s your favourite lockdown Instagram account?  


How do you keep healthy?

I wish I could answer with sports but I don’t like it :D.

Everything can change from one moment to another so you have to enjoy every moment and get the best out of every single day :-)

What would you like to be doing in 10 years?

I hope I can still do what I'm doing now but I just go with the flow and see what every day brings!

How does the current crisis make you feel?

I think it’s sad for all the people who worked so hard to get where they were before the lockdown and I hope everyone can live their normal life back soon!

What is the latest/future project you are working on?

The live stream for Paradise City on boats!

What is the most important thing you’ve learned lately?  

Everything can change from one moment to another so you have to enjoy every moment and get the best out of every single day :-).

Lockdown hobby?

Didn’t start a new hobby as I was still busy digging for new music :).


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