Dancing around naked surrounded by dogs

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The June issue usually gives way to a new 20-something list, featuring models, musicians, actors, illustrators, fashion designers, photographers, artists, architects,... and so much more. The people who are a representation of young society in Belgium, a generation ready to rule our world. In 2020, hence the double number, we’re serving you, hungry hearts, 2 editions of our acclaimed list. That’s right, we’re doubling the number of features, starting a bit earlier. Let us introduce you to the faces you didn't realise you wanted to meet!

Jill Verhaeghe  

Photographer, NYC

What do we & our readers need to remember about you?  

I’m a textbook Leo so I’m living for this attention.

What is the (near) future bringing you?  

I honestly have no idea what the near future will look like here in New York, I’m afraid it will stay pretty bleak for a while.

What are you up to these days?  

Reliving my childhood: sleeping, eating, and having zero responsibilities.

What artists are you listening to?  

Yves Tumor, Yaeji, Grimes, The Garden, Princess Nokia, Eartheater, King Krule, Sega Bodega, Porches…

Which records are you playing most right now?  

The new releases of all the mentioned above and some punk classics for nostalgic moments.

What makes your heart go faster these days?  

The first thing I do after crawling out of bed is video-call my grandmother, I’m worried sick about her so it’s always a relief to see she’s still there.

What are you doing daily at 9pm/9am?  

At 9am I’m sound asleep and at 9pm I’m lighting up a post-dinner joint.

How do you bring some routine into your days?  

I have some ‘rules’ like reading at least an hour a day, cooking 2 meals, taking a daily walk, small stuff like that.

What does your face mask look like?  

I made my own breakout remedy with aloe vera, tea tree oil, and squalane oil because my skin still thinks I’m 13.

What’s your personal utopia?  

A world without Republicans.

What brings you satisfaction?  

Watching my plant cuttings grow roots.

What’s your favourite lockdown Instagram account?  

Instagram is so boring atm but @on\_a\_downward\_spiral makes me laugh.

What’s your favourite lockdown book?  

I’ve been devouring books, from Virginia Woolf to Please Kill Me: the oral history of punk.

What’s your favourite lockdown film?  

I’m rewatching all the Criterion Channel classics but I’m also guilty of a Harry Potter marathon.

How do you keep healthy?  

I’ve never been much of an exerciser and my life revolves around food, but I’m vegan so that counts for something, right?

What’s one of your sources of inspiration that may surprise people?  

Whenever I do leave the house, I still feel the Brooklyn sense of community that always warms my heart.

What would you like to be doing in 10 years' time?  

Dancing around naked in my own NYC loft, surrounded by dogs.

How does the current crisis make you feel?  

Sad for all the suffering and angry at the constant failing of the American government to deal with it. 

How important are fellow companions now? How do you reach out?  

I am so blessed with my housemates and Sean, they’re keeping me sane. Video-calling was already part of my social life since I moved.

What is the latest/future project you are working on?  

My weekly movie column for Document Journal.

Did you have an exhibition/concert/show on your agenda these days? Which one?  

I was supposed to be on a beach in Puerto Rico right now.

What will the second part of 2020 bring you?  

I had some exciting projects lined up for this spring that I can hopefully pick up when this is over.

Who is the person that most influenced you throughout your development in life?  

Books, movies and music have always guided me through everything.

What is the most important thing you’ve learned lately?  

When life’s back to normal, this lazy ass is never missing a show or a party again!

Is there anyone in your scene who needs more attention?  

A little shout out to my favourite Bushwick band Steele!

Comfort food/specialty dish now?  

Baked pasta with a shitload of vegan cheese.

Lockdown hobby?  

Making sourdough bread and playing Pokémon Fire Red.



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