Beautiful and crazy people are my constant source of inspiration

The June issue usually gives way to a new 20-something list, featuring models, musicians, actors, illustrators, fashion designers, photographers, artists, architects,... and so much more. The people who are a representation of young society in Belgium, a generation ready to rule our world. In 2020, hence the double number, we’re serving you, hungry hearts, 2 editions of our acclaimed list. That’s right, we’re doubling the amount of features, starting a bit earlier. Let us introduce you to the faces you didn't realise you wanted to meet!
Clara Duflos
Painter, Brussels
What do we and our readers need to remember about you?
I'm Clara, I'm from Grenoble in France. Some years ago I fell in love with Brussels and its incredible energy so I decided to move there to study graphic design at La Cambre. After finishing school last year I decided to fully focus on painting.
What is the (near) future bringing you?
I recently joined the up and coming C12 agency and our first project together is to organise and produce my first exhibition here in Brussels... I can't wait for it!
What are you up to these days?
I try to keep the same level of energy and productivity despite the lockdown. I improvised an atelier in my living room and I spend most of my time painting; It's good to have nothing else to think about so I try to take full advantage of the current situation.
What artists are you listening to?
I have always been really into electronic music. I listen to a lot of mixes and new releases while drawing and painting; I need to know everything. Right now, while I’m answering these questions, I am listening to an old mix by Voices From the Lake. I also listen to a lot of calm music like ambient or piano. It helps me to stay focused and it really inspires me. Abul Mogard, Aphex Twin, Pete Namlook…. Recently I was listening to the last Nils Frahm, over and over again.
I improvised an atelier in my living room and I spend most of my time painting
Which records are you playing most right now?
Currently I love the releases from Planet Euphorique Label.
What makes your heart go faster these days?
I guess I get really excited when I am able to take the next step in my painting career. So hearing back from Different Class made my heart go faster :-).
What are you doing daily at 9pm/9am?
At 9am I wake up, drink a coffee, put on music and start painting. And at 9pm I chill, I watch a movie…. Like everybody else in this period I think.
How do you bring some routine into your days?
I force myself to keep waking up early; it helps me to keep my energy and I'm really more efficient in the morning.
What does your face mask look like?
A super sexy mask of green clay.
What’s your personal utopia?
Only doing things I love all my life and I do my best for it.
What brings you satisfaction?
I just read Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov (again)
What’s your favourite lockdown Instagram account?
I don't really like watching people's life on Instagram, I mostly follow artists, like @jamesjeanart, @hibbledygibldy, ... I can spend hours looking at their work, trying to understand their techniques.
What’s your favourite lockdown book?
I just read Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov (again).
What’s your favourite lockdown film?
I just watched the four seasons of Mr. Robot, and Interstellar for the thousandth time. It always drives me crazy.
How do you keep healthy?
I cook everyday and try to eat well as much as possible.
What would you like to be doing in 10 years time?
I will try as hard as I can to live from my art so let's see what happens. I hope one day it will lead me to travel and work on a lot of various exciting projects.
How does the current crisis make you feel?
Super frustrated! I'm someone who needs to do a thousand things all the time, I need human interaction…. I managed to settle down now so it's ok, I got into my little rhythm, patiently waiting. I can't wait to get back to real life.
How important are fellow companions now? How do you reach out?
I am usually bad at keeping in touch from a distance but I miss my family and friends so much these days so it motivates me to do more video and phone calls.
What is the latest/future project you are working on?
I just applied to a calling project to paint my first building. I'm afraid but also excited to do something like this, I hope it will happen! I'm actually working on a new print that we'll sell in a crowdfunding to help the C12, and a new limited edition of silkscreens.
Who is the person that most influenced you throughout your development in life?
When I think about it I can't just say one person. I've always been surrounded by beautiful and crazy people and it’s a constant source of inspiration.
What is the most important thing you’ve learned lately?
To trust myself.
Is there anyone in your scene who needs more attention?
These are some friends and amazing artists that I want to show you: @fredrikaltinell, @antoinegrenez, @rage\_casper.
Comfort food / specialty dish now?
Pizza always works.
Lockdown hobby?
Trying out new & different techniques as well as experimenting on new materials such as textile and ceramic.
Different Class works with the interest of their community at heart.
Our work’s purpose is to foster a solid network for independent artists, those who love them, and those who want to support them. Become a member to contribute to the local Belgian art scene.