Handout Videographer

Solid visuals are one of the major pillars of Different Class. We put a lot of value in the quality and originality of the videos and, using a more autonomous approach, aim to tell a story through every video.

Below you can find an overview of all upcoming articles, videos and shoots for Different Class. Do you see an assignment you like? Please check the due date (= deadline) before you contact Astrid! Does it fit in your schedule? Great, you can reach her at astrid@differentclass.be! We like to work ahead so don't wait too long before deciding ;-) <3

how we work

We expect our videographers to be able to film and ask the prepared questions and record the audio themselves. For sure check if you have the right equipment for recording audio (super important!) and let us know if you have a problem or question regarding this!

We have a Zoom recorder and shotgun microphone to mount on your camera in the office (to be picked up in the office in Ghent).


Make sure you film in portrait (4/5) composition as we're ONLY using the videos on Instagram and TikTok.

length: between 75 and 89 sec!

height of the subtitles: +/- at 1/3 of the mobile screen (for those who work with Première Pro: at -360)


ALWAYS start with an establishing shot which is not dark. The first 3 seconds are the most important. A video with a dark start doesn't perform on social media. We like white, bright images and we like to see the faces of the subjects in our videos (no backs of the people, start outside if a museum is too dark)

While the artist is, of course, the main focus of the video, make sure to make a story by including different shots too. For example, when you are working on a New Master video, which is always shot in a certain exhibition of a museum, you can include shots of the artworks and the scenography or building.


Our questions will be limited, it comes down to a short presentation of the DC artist and, in the case of a New Master video, an introduction to museum and the exhibition shown. We always aim to find a connection with the work of the Different Class artists. The videos are made to make people chaud to go to the exhibitions themselves so we try to work from a positive angle.


  • Always let people start with your question incorporated into the answer. For ex. question: 'Who are you?' answer: 'I am Orson Claeys' and not just 'Orson Claeys' so if you cut the question out, you still have the context.
  • You can let them tell you a lot, but if you notice they continue to stutter too much, it is best to ask and record the question again. In most cases, they are able to give a shorter answer because they no longer have to think about what to say.
  • A little freewheeling usually produces good quotes, because that's what we're looking for... short sentences and snippets!

Questions New Master video

  • Briefly introduce yourself (explain who you are, what you do, what you have done in the past period or what is coming up in the near future)
  • Briefly say where you are and what makes it special about being here.
  • Do you have an anecdote about this venue/museum?
  • What is characteristic/important for you or your work?
  • Describe your favourite work from the exhibition/What is your favourite show from the programme (min. 2)? 
  • Is there a work in the exhibition/event in the progammation (can also be your favourite work) that you can link to your own practice? How?
  • Is there something in this expo that inspires you?

Questions Featured Artist Video

  • Briefly introduce yourself (explain who you are, what you do, what you have done in the past period or what is still planned).
  • Briefly say where you are and what makes it special about being here.
  • Explain the exhibition or project you are taking part in.
  • What is the main theme in your work displayed? (Explain a bit)
  • What is characteristic/important for you or your work?
  • Is there a work in the exhibition or project (from another participant) that you can link to your own practice? Which and why?
  • Where is your next project going to bring you?
  • short, unedited (iPhone) videos while the interview happens or scenes apart from the shoot. This can be anything and doesn't need much of preparation or editing!
  • 1 'station call' for Different Class with the subject saying: 'Hi, I'm ...(name) I'm playing a show/I have an exhibition on ... (date) at ...(place) and it's free for Different Class members! Come join us! 
  • In case of a new master interview/shoot 1 'station call' for Different Class with the subject saying: 'Hi, I'm ...(name) and I just walked through ... (name exhibition). Go discover it yourself from ... (date) at ...(place) because it's free for Different Class members!

Our online team can use them to make the feature more interesting and alive on social media.


We make sure that audio and video are recorded separately. So we never film our subject while doing the interview. We paste the audio under moving images, for example someone walking on stage or working on a piano or even just playing. Feel free to give input here! Always conduct interviews in the native language. We always add subtitles in the final stages. You just send us the audio you want to use in the video and we'll translate!

The video does not necessarily have to have a voice-over completely, it may contain other audio (for ex. from the artist) or background environment audio. We avoid working with stock audio but that usually makes it a bit artificial… most people listen without audio on social too…

what you deliver
  1. You send us the audio selection of your video and we send you the subtitles as soon as possible.
  2. You send us a first draft of the video and we give you feedback and the logos when needed.
  3. You send us a revised version, if needed, which we send to our partner for feedback. There's 1 feedback moment for partners.
  4. You send us the final video.


By sending your files and accepting our payments you grant us permission to use your video on all DC channels; magazines, socials, website, ... + on your own channels. Partners and subjects are always invited as a collaborator to our post.


We would appreciate it if the publication on your own channels happens after we have published them on our socials. :-)

payment details

€ 400 per shoot (VAT. not included)

You can work with either a voluntary payment or invoice but you have to pick one and use this consistently during the whole year. That means you cannot switch from one to the other during the year, only on 1 Jan the year after.

voluntary payment

Sander will send you a SignRequest form to complete your payment in the weeks after your shoot.


If you prefer to make an invoice, use these details on your invoice:

vzw We Promised / Different Class

Dendermondsesteenweg 80A

9000 Gent


VAT: BE 0518.883.880

IBAN: BE64 3630 9483 8152



You can also work with the agency for artist payments of your preference. Call or mail us before you do that so we know and can approve the assignments in their system. Please note our price is the bruto amount for your payment. That means the actual payment will be more or less half of that amount netto. We prefer to work with https://www.payproservices.be/start-eng as they are the best and don't take high percentages like Amplo, Smart, etc... Let us know if you need additional info!


We don’t cover travel and film or developing expenses.


Astrid is not involved in the payments so Sander is the one to talk to about it! Please note: Sander is working 1 day/week so bear in mind it can take a couple of weeks before finalising.


need some inspiration?

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